Spiritual Mind Treatment
Science of Mind (Dr. Ernest Holmes)

Spiritual Mind Treatment, also known as Affirmative Prayer, Scientific Prayer or simply ‘Treatment‘, affirms that within the universe there is one Infinite, Universal Presence that permeates everything. That attitude of mind allows one to reach an acceptance of new possibilities in life, we are able to ‘see’, ‘feel’ and speak of the good we desire as already ours. To let the universe work its magic.

Spiritual Mind Treatment is not about convincing God to do something for us. It is becoming aware of the God presence within.

1) Recognition: There is one Spirit. Spirit is all there is (God is).

2) Unification: Spirit and I are one. I live, move, and have my being in God (I am). Christ Consciousness:  Union of God & Self.

3) Realization: A series of statements affirming/declaring the outcome desired (I accept).

4) Gratitude: Being grateful that we have received the desired outcome, or something even better (I am thankful or I Give Thanks).

5) Release: Giving it over to the Law (or Love of the Universe) and letting the Law do its work (Let go and let God or (nd So It Is). All we need to do is trust. The Creator does not require our input on ‘how’ our desire is manifesting itself for us.
