Three Levels of the Soul

‘Upper Mind’ (Mother)
“Etheric Mind” or higher consciousness, Universal Mind.  The Etheric mind is the memory source, the Akashic Record source – knowledge of all lifetimes (infinite).  It has the direct connection to God; the Psychic Mind, Telepathic Mind, the Kinetic Energy Mind.  The one that when  you pray and you ask for miracles and you want them, address the Etheric Mind to be open enough to receive infusion (the ‘Passive Mind’ and the Power Source are all the same Mind).

‘Middle Mind’ (Father)
The Middle Mind is the processing mind or Work Mind.  The Middle Mind has creative force, but it does not have the creative force unless the channel is open to the Etheric Mind.  The Middle Mind is the “The You Mind”; the sum-total of your personality; your uniqueness (with all the quirks & smirks).  It is the essence of you as yourself in life and on the Other Side.

‘Lower Mind’ (Son)
Lower Mind is the instinctual mind, the ‘Cave Man Mind’. Tied to the body. Not a processing mind, but a preservation mind.  Its says: “I deserve; I want; give me”.  Like a child that want and grabs and needs and cries and is petulant.  If unchecked, the Lower Mind can be the vehicle-destroying part of the mind by ‘leaking’ up into the Middle Mind and invades the you, the “I Am”.  The Lower Self is the detriment of most of mankind.  No control.  The widespread phenomena going on in the world is called “Lower-self is in rule!”  Lower self says, “Bare arms—go out and shoot people—have gangs.”
