(Journey of the Soul #8, Novus Spiritus)

Past-life regression research has shown that everyone has a Theme, and they experience it individually, because we are all unique in the way we view or feel things.  It may take many lifetimes of a few, depending on what measure of spirituality the soul wishes to attain. On The Other Side, before we’re born, we choose two of forty-five (45) life themes for our upcoming existence on Earth—a primary theme, which is who we are, and a secondary theme, which is what we’re here to work on.  The primary theme is like the goal of traveling from point A to point B.  The secondary theme is the biggest obstacle we will have to overcome along the way.  Figuring out what they are, and which is which, is a valuable exercise for clarifying and simplifying our lives.  Having a frame of reference of the basic “itinerary” of this life can help keep us on track.

The whole reason we leave The Other Side to come here time to time is to learn, and to experience and overcome negativity.  Many times we choose a primary theme and a secondary them that conflict with each other to really challenge ourselves.

The secondary theme is subtle to detect.  Look for something that has pulled strongly at you in your quite moments for as long as you can remember but that even the people closest to you might be surprised to hear.  If it’s something that would complicate your primary theme, chances are that it is your secondary theme.

Because our life themes are choices we made on The Other Side before we embarked on this incarnation, based not only on what we want to work on but also on what we’ve experienced in past lives, we cannot change our life themes.  But we can strive to perfect them at their most positive and overcome them at their most negative or destructive.

The person who carries the Theme of Activator is almost self-explanatory.  Like the counterpart Theme of Responsibility, they want to pick up the loose ends for everyone, but they are driven to do the most menial as well as the most astronomical task.  They can be the daredevils also in their need to do anything and everything anyone else fails to do—this is the key for the activator.  Someone else must have had to try it first before they do it, and they usually do it with gusto and do it right.  Activators are the entities who come in after a business or committee has failed and pull it up and out to a successful conclusion.  The Activator feels compelled to speak up at meetings or groups or even within the family and start arranging everything.  They also have a tendency to be workaholics, and if they are not careful they can take over everyone’s job and do it well.  They are not driven for perfection as much as on a practical note—to see the job or jobs that have to be done and do them all.  They should, like the Humanitarian, not spread themselves too thin; and they should narrow their circle of jobs or areas in which they can activate.

Aesthetic Pursuits
This Theme is unique in that is have multiple parts, being any of the creative arts.  It will take in music in all forms, art in all forms, acting, crafts, and writing.  These are Themes in themselves, because when they are present that person is driven by their innate talent.  It consumes them until it is fulfilled on cameras, on the stage, music halls, etc.  This does not mean they become stars, but more often than not they do.  Barbara Streisand and Picasso, not to leave out a million others, have this as their primary Theme.  They start showing this aptitude at a young age and drive on until it culminates into a living career of creativity.  This is not to be confused with those of us that sing fairly well or dance pretty good, but the real brilliance of the truly gifted that starts at birth and lasts a lifetime.  If the secondary Theme in these entities is a negative one, it will lead into abuse, such as Richard Burton with his drinking.  If it backed by a stable Theme, then we see a lifetime of creative productivity, such as in the case of Anthony Quinn, the actor who only gets better and better with age.  It is by far one of the most rewarding Themes, as long as they remember who they are, and one of the most appallingly disappointing Themes when led by the glamour and applause.

This Theme is not only difficult on the entity having it, but also on those around them.  The Analyzer is usually a brilliant person, but usually no one understands this, because in their constant questioning and haranguing any subject, they can seem less than smart.  They are driven by the fever of not only wanting to know everything, but how it works, why, and what use it is.  They want most things repeated or re-read or re-enacted, so that they have picked apart every aspect.  We learn from the Analyzer, because even in the smallest things, we can observe the dissection of it even to infinitesimal parts.  Analyzers are afraid they will miss something or it will be overlooked and many times even that they will forget it if not analyzed.  This can lead to obsessiveness and even a scrupulous conscience.  It works well in science and technical fields but is very hard on the individual in everyday life.  To help them modify this Theme, these entities should force themselves to believe their eyes, ears, and touch, and not read something into everything that is there.  After all, when every petal is picked off the rose, just an ugly stem is left.  To analyze people’s behavior quietly and ask for enlightenment also ups psychic ability.

Banner Carrier
The Theme of Banner Carrier is not as accentuated as the Theme of Cause Fighter, but they are parallel insofar as they need a cause.  The Banner Carrier will carry the banner, literally.  They will picket and demonstrate.  They will be lobbyists.  They will get petitions signed for a cause.  Banner Carriers will also write letters to Congressmen or to a company whose product they feel fails to meet standards.  They also can work in health fields or related FDA jobs.  Banner Carriers will also do the speak-out segments on television—wherever they can be seen to speak or write or demonstrate.  They will jump from issue to issue with no hesitation.  You know they are Banner Carriers because they loudly proclaim it.  They are not the doers as are the Cause Fighters, but they get issues raised that others may not think about.  They have to guard against becoming too fanatical or overly zealous because this has a tendency to become tedious to others.  If they keep reminding themselves that moderation in all things is the better tact and that to stick even with one issues and see it through is better than ten issues that never get resolved, they will be successful. The 1960s were rich with such banner carriers as Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin and other well-intentioned radical anti-war activists. We need the Banner Carriers, as we do all the Themes, for they help us not take for granted all the injustices we live with. 

The Theme of Builder, like all of the Themes, is very difficult, because more so then many Themes, it is thankless.  The Theme of Builder, unlike other Themes, works more silently.  They are the background people by which great things are accomplished—“wind beneath the wings” of society.  They are the pathologist who does thousands of studies by which another doctor gets credit.  Their lives can be a constant background of putting in one missing piece of the puzzle, only to have another take credit for it.  They are the cornerstones of society, the unsung heroes of wars and organizations.  Without these cogs, the wheels never turn; and yet, they live and die nameless and with acclaim.  Builders aren’t those who march across a stage to accept a trophy.  They must remember, though, that not all prizes are won on this plane of existence, but on the Other Side. Sometimes those that get great acclaim in this life are not always perfecting as fast as those who toil silently.  A good parent, for example, is a Builder.  The child builds from that parent’s life to go on and accomplish great things.  The Builder must remember that no great life or breakthrough can ever be accomplished without these background builders, and these entities should take pride that at least they were part of life and left their mark. The rewards for taking on and gracefully mastering the builder theme lie in the accelerated advancement of the spirit on its path toward perfection, which is far more valuable than any trophy could ever be.

The Theme of Catalyst is usually one of the easiest to pick out.  Catalyst means an agent that creates something to happen.  The Catalyst is not quiet, in fact, just the opposite.  They are not only the organizers, but they see every job to its end.  They are the thinkers and the innovators.  When all else fails, the Catalyst, by their inner power, comes up with new solutions and different ways to things that invariably work.  They are the ones we invite to the party because they make it exciting.  They are the ones in the classroom whom everyone aspires to be.  They are the ones who set the pace for runners, and on and on it goes.  Catalysts usually have boundless energy, but their minds work far ahead of their bodies.  They are also the inventors and the ones who have the breakthroughs in music, medicine, etc.  They produce massive amounts of work when stimulated.  Catalysts should always look for new vistas and never plan to really retire.  They live off stress if it’s productive; but when not useful, they can be morose and turn their catalytic forces inward where it can be destructive.  They are given to performing, so they should have a platform in which to perform from or else they become counter-productive and become ill.

Cause Fighter
The Theme of Cause Fighter is very dramatic theme and can be found in significant areas of history as well as in everyday life.  They not only take on causes that need to be fought for, but they look for causes.  It can be out of a need to cause Fight for whales, the Vietnam War…They can fight over billboard going up in a wrong place, a tree being cut down, etc.  We need Cause Fighters because they are the one who speak for those of us who are not concerned or simply because our Theme is not Cause Fighter.  The Cause Fighter has to guard against getting involved with petty causes and keep their causes worthwhile and not get into just any cause they can get on a bandwagon for, just to have ego satisfaction.  In this way the Cause Fighter has the majority behind him and does not become fanatic over causes that no one can relate to.  They are militant and will also fight verbally as well as physically.  Again, they should guard against getting in too deep and finding out that the cause is minimal and their ego large.  They should guard against taking on impossible causes with no back-up and putting themselves and other in jeopardy because of their impulsiveness.

The Theme of controller means exactly what is stated.  The person with this Theme must absolutely be in charge and control every situation.  They cannot be content to let someone else lead or run the show.  They must be in charge and rule like a monarch rules.  It must be their way or not at all.  They can be very difficult to deal with—for themselves as well as others.  In any aspect, before anyone realizes it, they have not only taken charge but taken over everyone’s job and how it is run and what is more, they know better.  It extends into lives far beyond what the other Themes go into, as far as being a part of others’ lives.  They will tell others how to raise their children, drive a car, what house to buy.  In family and business they can be an asset, because they are always intelligent, but the intelligence loses something when most people feel the Controller is living their life for them and, in fact, they wish to.  The Controller would take over everyone’s lives and make them feel inferior in the way they are living it.  The entity with the Theme off Controller must invert the Theme to control their own life and not let it spread out to others, even if this is difficult.  Ironically, the biggest challenge for the controller is self-control.  They must realize everyone has their own Theme to perfect.

This is a very difficult, because out of all of the Themes it is the sponge.  These entities are totally empathic about life and all the emotions that it can bring.  They literally can cry, laugh, be angry and loving, all in an hour.  Anything can set their delicate balance into a tailspin.  The phrase, “they wear their heart on their sleeve” is typical of the entity with this Theme.  Those persons living with an entity having this Theme feel they are walking on eggs and at any moment a time bomb will go off.  Like my son once said, “They can cry at stop signs.”  Poets and artists usually have this Theme many times as a secondary Theme.  We can never perceive how someone else sees or feels something, but viewing this Theme psychically, I can tell you they perceive everything longer, deeper, and wider than it is to the rest of us.  Their sensitivity is both a gift and a burden and they need to recognize that balance in their lives is unusually important.  And if they are not balanced and careful, the emotions of this world flood in, and the entity just breaks down or causes everyone else around them to go crazy.  It takes a concerted effort on their part not to absorb every hurt, every nuance of pain, so they can be emotional but not incoherently so.

The Theme of Experiencer is unique in the aspect that the entity who carries this Theme seems like a first-lifer.  They are not, naturally, but they have the naiveté that seems to go along with a novice personality.  They approach everything as a new experience, and their enthusiasm is boundless and limitless.  Experiencers are not daredevils necessarily, they are just in for everything.  They dabble in everything, and unlike other Themes they can master many areas of life.  It is not unusual to see an Experiencer who was on of the flower children become a bank president and sail around the world on a boat they built themselves.  Howard Hughes was a true Experiencer.  That does not mean they must be wealthy, although they often are, but this is only a by-product of their inventive multi-faceted experiencing.  They will never go into one life-long career because the world calls.  They usually bloom later in life, because the first part is spent in an almost bohemian-like existence.  They cannot be confined to “9 to 5” jobs; and because they must experience everything, this drives them to heights off endeavor that other Themes are worn out by from just watching.  Their health is usually good, but they should guard against excesses so they do not burn out because their health is what keep them going to experience all of life.  They truly seem to gobble up life and all it has to offer.  They are wonderful to be around if we do not put upon them the social norms that most of us live by. Excessive self-indulgence to the point of irresponsibility is the biggest hurdle for the Experiencer.

The Theme of Fallibility seems to be the ultimate in the failure syndrome.  The person with this Theme truly seems to be the loser in the game of life.  The Chart is fraught with one failure after another.  Individuals with this Theme come into life with physical handicaps or mental disabilities that make it seem as though they had every strike against them.  If they are not physically or mentally handicapped, then their lives seem to pull them always in the area of having the worst luck or to be always at the wrong place at the wrong time.  Comedy is filled many times with these sad-sack figures; but in a real experiencing or viewing sense, they do seemingly live pathetic lives.  This Theme, like all the others, is very difficult; but it is best to remember that only evolved souls can pick such hard lives off losing and then losing again.  Like all Themes, it does not mean that this is a never-ending cycle, because as soon as the entity learns their Theme and how to cope with it, perfection is reached.  Helen Keller was an example of the Fallibility Theme.  She was born practically blind and deaf.  When she was just a baby she had a fever which left her that way.  Thus, she could not speak, hear or see.  But she overcame all of these failures to go on and become a Light for everyone to follow.  It is good for the person with this Theme to remember they are examples for the rest of us as they face and triumph over their special hurdles (see Loser theme).

The Theme of Follower can be deceiving by definition, but as it appears in the Theme of life it becomes more specific.  A Follower would seem to be anyone who is part of anything.  The Follower must have a certain person or particular cause to follow.  They also can be found everywhere, and unlike many other Themes, they rail against it.  They would like to be leaders but cannot, so the next best thing is to follow a person or an issue that is on top.  They are excellent at being “movers and shakers,” and they are far from being a group of mindless sheep.  They are the backbone of countries, with always a patriotic flavoring.  Like any Theme, there is a negative side, such as the Follower who follows a wrong cause or a wrong person who can harm many.  In their zealousness to support and follow they do not always use discretion.  But no leader or anyone in a prominent position is any good without the people who support and give substance to any group.  The best way to perfect, as in all Themes, is for the Follower to accept his Theme and be the best support for the best issues using innate goodness and intuition to Guide him and them follow ahead.

The Theme of Harmony is very self-explanatory in definition—to want harmony in all life, externally or internally.  It is a fact, however, that when the person with the Theme of Harmony has exterior dissension, then the entity can become almost physically sick.  They will go to all extremes, even to the sacrifice of themselves, to keep harmony and happiness in their surroundings.  They are truly the entities who feel they would even pay people if they would just seek a balance and harmony.  It does not have to be fighting that incenses the individual, for even moods or negative vibrations can set off their sensitive balance.  They often try to keep harmony at all costs, even to the health and welfare of themselves or others. On the plus side, they’re wonderfully cooperative and can have a quieting effect in chaotic situations. On the minus side, they can find it very difficult to accept and adjust to the inevitable bumps, bruises and stress life has to offer. Their nerves can get so out of control that they can be the ones found in the middle of the room screaming, “I want harmony,” thus creating much more disharmony.  It is best for them to realize that all of life has wrinkles, and all of life usually does not follow the order in which we wish it would.  Therefore, that is the reason to be down here.  If it were all perfect we would not need to be on Earth to perfect.

The Theme of Healer is a very metaphysical Theme, as well as a very spiritual Theme.  Healers are compelled to go into medicine, physical therapy, holistic medicine, hospices, ministries, etc.  Anywhere there are sick and ailing people you will find a Healer.  They are also the advanced entities who realize that even the laying on of hands is beneficial, because they are tubes by which God’s energy flows through.  If they cannot be in any of these fields then they are the mid-wives, the nurses, or anyone who cares for the sick, whether they are elderly or children.  If there is no other avenue, Healers become ministers to the sick and dying and open houses for people who are poor or on drugs.  Their whole thrust in their Theme is to care for anyone in need, especially in the physical sense.  Religious orders have been founded especially to administer to the sick.  The person with this Theme has a green aura around their hands that can be seen through Kirlian photography.  By the very aura they carry, they have the ability to walk into a room and neutralize energy negative energy.  The only danger they run into is that they can become too empathic.  Healers must separate themselves from their own ego and realize that it is God’s energy, not theirs, that heals, so they do not drain off or assimilate the illness they are trying to cure.

The Theme of Humanitarian seems self-explanatory, but is also has more complex and far-reaching effects.  The entity who carries this Theme is truly driven and self-sacrificing for all humanity, so much so, that they have to guard against loving too much and doing too much.  There is no thought for self, which also has to be guarded against.  They not only need to administer to, but take up issues that mankind has struggled with.  The Cause Fighter may be militant about the wrongs committed against mankind, but the Humanitarian will be right in the midst bandaging, teaching, holding, building, and on and on it goes.  They do not really see that much evil in anything and will usually excuse mankind for most of its faults.  The Humanitarian Theme carries with it a true and often times insatiable love for all people.  They have to be in front, in the middle, or behind large groups of mankind.  The Humanitarian can never be someone who just cares for family and friends but everyone or anyone who comes into their circle.  The Humanitarian would do well also to modify this by saving time to love themselves.  Otherwise, they can burn themselves out and then are of no use to anyone.

The person with this Theme is really in the driver’s seat.  They are the true lucky people in life.  Unlike the Winners, they do not have to achieve.  They are often born rich, handsome or beautiful, smart, witty and intelligent.  Sometimes I feel and see from our research that this Theme can be harder to perfect than its sister Theme of Fallibility because individuals with this Theme seen to have nothing to work toward or nothing to achieve.  It is as if the gods, as it were, smiled fully on them and they can do no wrong.  They never are at the wrong place at the wrong time; and even if by some fluke they are, it turns right for them.  Those with the Theme of Infallibility will remind us of the song, “Everything’s Coming Up Roses.”  Because of this, they can sometimes falls into excesses of every kind (eg, obesity, promiscuity) and can be prone to addictions such as substance abuse.  It is almost as if they tempt fate to see if they can’t lose and can really fail.  They can be plagued with fears that people love them only for their money or looks or luck and, thereby, somehow feel cheated.  Rudolph Valentino, the silent screen star, had this as his Theme.  He was handsome, lucky, a star, a dancer—but died early.  This does not mean that those with this Theme die early; it is only a way of describing the Theme.

This Theme might be called the “Professional Student Theme.”  The entity who carries this Theme feels compelled to keep learning and mostly it is for learning sake rather than to complete an education to further a career.  They may have some far-off career in mind, but the whole thrust is knowledge for knowledge sake.  They usually have many majors and degrees and keep getting more.  They can write books on what they have majored in, but this usually follows because of a Doctorate.  Even if the individual goes on and has a career, they keep studying and advancing new ideas.  Many times those with the Theme of Intellectuality are the philosophers of the world—the scientific theory, thought scientist.  Darwin, of the famous evolution theory, carried this Theme.  He studied in England, wrote, studied some more, did experiments, traveled, studied and wrote; and even though he had a family life, it was far down on the list to his quest for knowledge and learning.  Many with this Theme are not as interested in imparting knowledge as he was.  They seem to be here, as stated, for just the insatiable knowledge—seeking that drives and burns inside them, and they never seem to feel they have enough time to learn.  They can be scattered in their learning, jumping from one major to another.  It is well for them to realize though that knowledge for knowledge sake is honorable, but to be able to part with it is more in the divine keeping of the order of things to give and share.

The Theme of Irritant is probably the easiest for everyone to detect except the Irritant themselves.  You would think that after awhile when these people are shunned or yelled at or ignored, they would take the hint; but no, they not only do not care or do not see but make a concerted effort to be as irritating as possible.  Irritants interrupt constantly, bore people with long, drawn-out stories; and no amount of trying to sidetrack them is sufficient—even yawing.  They are critical, nit-picky, and often demanding and sarcastic.  It is the one Theme that truly typifies the remark that “Not even god could please them.”  They can find fault with the best of things and could be described as the true negative pessimist.  Irritants deliberately find fault, even when faced with every effort of others to be positive around them.  In years of study, I have found the Irritant to also be very moody and miserable within themselves, so much so that it leaks out to others.  The Irritant is very important to everyone’s perfection, because in being with them or observing them, we learn all manner of Themes (eg, Patience, Tolerance, etc).  It is very important not to play into their pessimism; but even then we cannot judge, because an Irritant is perfecting their own Theme so we will perfect over them.

The Theme of Justice seems very simple, but it also has far-reaching effects.  It, like the scales, can be blind and sometimes tipped.  When balance, however, it is one of the noblest and admirable of Themes.  The person who carries this Theme, however, is usually very empathetic and has to guard against taking in and absorbing what seems to be all of the inequities of the world.  Those with the Theme of Justice cannot stand unfairness in any form.  They often become judges, lawyers, paralegals, law enforcement officers, or even social workers, as well as teachers—wherever they feel they can effectively create a better world where there is fairness and quality.  If they are stymied in their life’s work, then they attach themselves to campaigns of a particular senator, congressman, or president.  In this way, they quell the rising tide of overwhelming injustices that assail them at every turn.  They fight unfair taxes, corrupt government and are for women’s rights.  They are more involved than the Cause Fighter who just needs a good cause.  The Justice Fighter will be the one at an accident who gives their name and address because they have seen what happened and want the right party to be vindicated.  As long as they stay God-Centered and grounded, they need not worry.  Some of our greatest presidents and activists such as the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. are exquisite examples of the justice theme at its finest.  Sadly, at its worst, when it’s misguided and without God as its center, this passion for righting a wrong can result in riots, anarchy and vigilantism.

The person with this Theme is almost obsessed with equality and justice.  They are great patriots and can be zealots over anything that has to do with fairness and what is lawfully right.  They are innately good with high moral consciousness, so much so, that they seem to carry the consciousness of the world and society in general.  They are like Cause Fighters, except they stick mainly to what is law and what law governs.  They can even be taking up the justice or lawful fight for Blacks, Indians, or wherever people are threatened by anything or anyone who is not law-abiding.  They will often go into all facets of law as well as into politics or teach about law and history.  If not, then they will be on a governing board of directors at a bank, a real estate board, a review board, or any group that helps to enforce laws that govern people’s behavior.  They should guard against fanaticism and taking legal matters into their own hands because they can become subversive and even self-serving, and are apt to go after the power plays of lawfulness rather than creating a more lawful environment.  But those elevated in this Theme keep the world balanced and safe.

The Theme of Leader is fairly self-explanatory, but much lower-keyed than the sister Themes of Catalyst or Builder.  The Leaders is more controlled and more premeditated than the other two Themes.  They are not impulsive nor do they not do anything that is really innovative.  They choose to become leaders in already established areas—for example, lawyers who gravitate to highly publicized cases and thrive in the resulting spotlight, instead of devoting their expertise to making significant improvements in the judicial system.  They will become heads of companies that are already established and make them more profitable.  They will be heads of communities for social or moral reform.  Leaders do not start their own business, but they will put anyone else over the moon in success.  They are driven to succeed as all Themes are—negatively or positively—but not to create out of nothing.  They can be seen everywhere, as heads of PTA groups, hospital administrators, etc.  This does not mean that we can see or be sure of a Theme by the occupation one acquires or works for, but it helps illustrate.  Even in home life, Leaders are the one the family goes to, to lead them in the right directions.  They also can be religious leaders or political leaders.  Note, these again are already established areas in which the Leader rises and forges ahead to make him or herself the top banana, so to speak.  The Leader must guard against the greed and power surges that go along with this Theme, or else they can go off-track and use this to their own gain.  Many radical and negative leaders have had the Theme of Leader.  The best effort to perfect this theme would be to change one’s priority from one’s own success by expressing leadership through exploring new, more socially relevant frontiers.

The Theme of Loner can seem deceiving because the word “loner” seems to denote someone who is a recluse.  On the contrary.  The Loner can be found out in the thick of humanity and usually is.  As with all of the Themes, it is the disposition or frame of mind of the individual.  The Loner not only feels alone but is alone.  They even pick professions or a family life in which they are different or isolated.  This could be the Theme of Helen Keller, who was blind and deaf.  As brilliant as she was, she was alone or a loner in her affliction.  Not only was a Loner, but she manifested it in the physical aspects to make it doubly hard.  I, myself, have this as my secondary Theme, and being psychic sets me apart and gives me the loner quality.  The Loner not only feels alone, but takes on responsibilities, problems and usually their life, alone.  It is not to be confused with being lonely, because loneliness can be a defect.  The Loner is usually happy with themselves, but many should watch their irritation level when people come into their space.  If all Themes realize the presence of other Themes then there will be greater understanding in the world.

The Theme of Losing is unlike the Theme of winning in that it is a negative Theme.  These people are not born with handicaps.  The loser theme is essentially the Fallibility theme without the physical, mental or emotional challenges.  On the contrary, they seem to have so much going for them.  But regardless of what they have going on, they seem to negate it themselves.  They are pessimistic and fault-finding.  People with the Theme of Losing are also very critical like the Irritant, but different in that they are constantly putting the blame back on “poor me.”  Their constant refrain is, “Wouldn’t you know I’d screw up again.”  They are also the prime martyrs and seem to look for elaborate soap opera plots to live out their lives.  They search for crisis the same as a miner searches for gold.  If they even view an accident where people were hurt, it would not be ten minutes before they will be telling everyone what a terrible and crippling effect the accident had on them just by seeing it.  They live for funerals and often keep as many as five doctors busy trying to diagnose any rare illness they may have.  They are hard to detect only in the aspect that they are not skid row people as one may think of a loser.  Rather, they can live very well, but know that doomsday is coming and a plague is due any day.  We perfect over these negative Themes, as hard as it may seem to realize.  By viewing them it should make us stronger and more convicted in positiveness.  Remember to be careful never to judge the person because the Theme as stated are roles we take on in life to perfect for ourselves as well as help others, negatively or positively.

The Theme of Manipulator carries with it, as most Themes do, a negative or positive side.  In this Theme, however, there is no borderline; it is either like the nursery rhyme—very good or horrid.  Most Manipulators, good or bad, have great power.  The Manipulator can control situations and people.  They not only organize, but push people in directions that are good for them.  The Manipulator, like a chess player, view the playing board which consists of people, mainly, and sometimes events, and moves them to the best of their advantage.  They also can push them to the best of their own advantage.  Manipulators, like all other Themes, are found everywhere. They are often given to raising guilt in people so they can manipulate them.  The good Manipulator, however, moves people in directions which are good for the individual, not only for the Manipulator.  Once the entity does this, the Theme is elevated to it highest, God-centered purpose.  The entity with the Theme of Manipulator should guard well their power and never use it to instill any negative emotion (eg, guilt, fear, avarice, greed).

The manipulator theme is a powerful one and not necessarily negative.  Manipulators approach their lives and the people in them like a one-sided chess game, able to control them to their advantage and often with remarkable talent.  When this theme is devoted to the highest, God-centered good, the manipulator can have an enormously positive impact on society.  When the theme is abused, manipulators are too self-absorbed to concern themselves with anyone’s well-being but their own, at everyone else’s expense.

The Theme of Passivity means “to be in a state of passiveness.”  The entity with this Theme is really active about nothing.  They are by no means are lazy, because they will sometimes take stands on issues but always in a completely non-active mode of behavior.  Unlike the group Green Peace, who seems to take a non-violent role in the saving of whales, those with the Theme of Passivity just simply sit down.  You can beat them physically or berate them verbally and they give no reaction.  They intellectualized that the best results come from the position of passive resistance.  They have opinions on subjects of worth, but they usually follow the view of “ignore it and it will go away,” or turning wrath away with a smile.  They often become vegetarians, feeling that for moral or religious reasons they should not eat meat, or because the eating of animal material makes them too aggressive.  They do not like violence in any form and truly believe the “meek shall inherit the Earth.”  Those with the Theme of Passivity must be careful in this assumption.  Realistically, who would want to inherit this Earth with all of its trials and tribulations?  They, many times, do not want to voice any opinion for fear this will bring about dissension.  They do well in cloisters where they are not faced with Earthly problems.  India is a country of passivity, and Gandhi was a prime example of a Passive entity.  He would rather starve himself than to fight or allow others to fight.  Here again we must be cognizant that any extreme is hurtful to the individual and many times a little activeness is good to realize we are alive and have a reason for living.

If we have patience, then our Theme, you can bet, is not Patience.  This Theme takes over, like all Themes, the disposition of the mind.  Most individuals with the Theme of Patience will pick bodies or dispositions in which they are impatient, more so than with other Themes.  They may be very introverted and have to be patient with this temperament, when in essence, they want to be extroverted.  They will take on parents or geographical locations that might seem impossible to other Themes.  The person with this Theme entrenches deeper and seems to want to perfect faster than most other Themes.  Patience, in a way, indicates a spiritual impatience.  They speak more in terms of patience than others.  “Please be patient with me,” they will say.  Be patient with her/him/them/it, and on and on it goes.  They also carry great amounts of guilt when they feel they’ve been impatient.  They should guard against moroseness though, because this being such an internal Theme, it lends itself to self-debasement and often suppressed anger.  To choose a life in which to try and perfect this Theme is difficult enough.  As with all Themes, the living through the circumstances that we have chosen is enough of a burden.  Being more lenient or easier on oneself should suffice.

The Theme of Pawn is somewhat complex to explain, and its parallel is the Theme of Builder.  The one ruling difference, however, is that the Pawn finds him or herself moved around to fit other’s needs.  It will seem at times, and even to the person who has the Theme, that they have no free will.  Of course, in essence, they do since they choose the Theme of Pawn.  They, unlike the Catalyst, move silently or are moved silently into a position whereby their presence creates something to happen.  The Pawn is the firth wheel that has the deciding vote to being the one on whom all other jobs are pawned off.  We may say they could also be the sacrificial lambs in the scheme of things.  Judas in the Bible was a Pawn. His betrayal of Christ was ultimately a critical element in the birth of Christianity. In a negative or positive way, Pawns actually cause something of usually great magnitude to happen.  We will hear them lament, “Why is everything pawned off on me?”  Pawns should be careful that they do not get all the castoff and dirty work, and they are not moved around like in a chess game of life.  If it is for a greater good, we cannot do without the Pawn, for many times they lead the enemy in another direction; but they should have dignity also and only pick worthy and loving causes for which they can be a Pawn.

The Theme of Peacemaker is on a far larger scale than its sister Theme, Harmony.  It is like the difference between Patience and Tolerance, but on a deeper level.  The entity who carries this Theme truly wants peace at all costs.  They are not the pacifist that the word “peacemaker’ seems to signify.  They want countries to make peace and groups to stop warring among themselves.  If they cannot effect peace within their own structures, they will go out to try to effect a greater peace.  They will join peace marches, protest the U.S. involvement in Vietnam or even the attack on Libya.  They have no prejudice or particular love for one group more than others—they just want peace.  They will be the one who arbitrate in a dispute of any kind.  That is why Peacemakers always make good therapists or judges.  They are the first ones at a party or a social gathering who run into the middle of a fight and break it up.  They then will stand with one or more of the fighting parties and have them shake hands.  They can be very pushy, but their intentions are totally honorable.  They just want peace, and this means the absence of fighting on a physical level.  They also cannot stand extreme emotions of grief or just moodiness because this seems to them out of the order of peacefulness.  So in this instance also, they will try to effect the mood to eliminate or defuse the grief, anything to bring about peace.

The Theme of Performance is by all aspects a very rewarding one but an exhausting Theme as well.  The entity who carries this Theme is “on” all the time.  They seem compelled to always entertain.  It is true many times that they will go into all types of actual performing careers feeling the need to be funny, to dance, to sing, or anything that will keep others happy.  If they do not follow this road, then no matter what career they choose, even if it is just a husband, wife, or single person, they will entertain.  They’re just as likely to be content with being the local life of the party, office or classroom.  They are always the life of the party and will be sought after for their abilities to keep the group happy.  They are truly what may be termed as the “party animal.”  They will give parties, be the ones in the office who tell funny stories or the entities who decide what games to play even at family gatherings, so no one gets bored.  Boredom is their perpetual enemy; and because it takes so much for their excitement range to be reached, they feel everyone needs this fever pitch of activity the same as they do.  It is realistic to see that they are driven by an insecurity to be loved and appreciated; but at the same time, they do give love, joy and Light wherever they go.  It is well for those with the Theme of Performance to realize not only that charity begins at home, but performance should also reside within themselves, which means they must learn not to be so selfless and start performing for themselves, because they do have a tendency to drain off and literally wear themselves out. Too often they form their opinions of themselves exclusively through the eyes of others, which they need to combat by reserving some of their considerable energy for introspection and learning to provide their own spiritual and emotional nourishment.

You would think that this Theme would tie up to the Theme of Persecutor but rarely, if ever, do they find each other.  The person with this Theme goes far beyond the Victim because, unlike the Victim, they are not as internal and do not look for ways to be martyred.  It is all internal for those who have the Theme of Persecution, and they have a paranoia that equals no other.  If the street is torn up in front of their house, they believe it is to get them or to drive them crazy.  If the next door neighbor looks at them wrong, they feel as if they have been cursed.  They are also convinced that their telephone wires are tapped or they are possessed by an evil spirit that will not let them alone.  Some agoraphobics have this Theme—not all, but enough to make mention of it here.  There is always some unnamed or oftentimes unknown danger that lies somewhere.  They live their lives in anticipation of the worst.  Strangely enough, they are truly the givers of their own fears that are usually never realized, except within their own tortured minds.  Even experiencing any type of pleasure can panic them, because they are convinced that because of any simple pleasure they will pay and pay dearly for it.  It gets better as time goes on, but while the entity is going through it they do live in a hell and others around them experience it with them. Overcoming the Persecution Theme takes enormous strength, but the reward for overcoming it is remarkable spiritual advancement.

The Theme of Persecutor is a hard one at best and, thank God, many do not have or come in with this Theme.  It ranges all the way from the person who is the sniper, to the overt murderer or torturer, to the executioner.  On a minor note, it also encompasses the continual cruelty of a mother or father toward a child or vice versa.  We also see this in a child or wife beater.  This Theme, which goes without saying, is a negative one and does wreak havoc.  People with the Themes of Tolerance and Patience often attach to this entity to gain the patience and tolerance that is needed to perfect.  As stated earlier, everyone weaves a tapestry and links up to another to learn, no matter how hard this may be for us to see in the span of one lifetime.  Those entities with the Theme of Persecutor, although brutal in this role, do fill a negative for people to perfect over. They can inadvertently test, challenge, and inspire progress in our laws, our judicial systems, our forensics techniques, our moral boundaries, our social consciousness and the unity of humankind.  They seemingly are without feeling and oftentimes take on the psychosis that is needed to perform their dastardly acts.  I had a girlfriend many years ago who had a son with this Theme.  From the time he was a little boy he want to dress in a Nazi uniform and set fire to cats.  These entities, as many others, start fulfilling their Themes very early.  Biologically, we may feel they are bad seeds or genetically affected.  However, it makes far more sense to view it from life’s plan, rather than the random hitting of some misplaced genetic strain.

The Theme of Poverty, which is also a very hard Theme, comes into play opposite its counterpart,  Wealth.  It is doubly hard if the entity is born or Charts himself in a rich, capitalistic society.  I myself have seen the Theme repeatedly in Third World countries more than in the U.S., but this would make sense, as why not pick the element this best suited for its own environment.  The Theme of Poverty goes far beyond just being poor and settling for it.  Even though they are not as frantic as people with the Theme of Wealth, there is a certain survival franticness, but yet the calmness that goes with this seems to be bliss.  The person with the Poverty Theme seems to realize that all of this will pass away; and if they have enough to survive, that really is sufficient.  They have more of a timeless quality and really feel that we cannot take things with us, therefore it is not to be bothered with.  This rarely, but sometimes, does occur with people who are comfortable.  They will give it all away and live like paupers.  We also see it manifested in people who have enough but always feel poor.  Nothing seems to quell this need to feel deprived or not to have enough, and this Theme weights heavily.  As the entity progresses, however, they become content to live in the world and make it form day to day with a happy demeanor. Endurance, hope and a perspective on the universal irrelevance of material possessions can provide brilliant spiritual growth for those who choose the theme of poverty.

The Theme of Psychic is a very specialized one.  It is self-explanatory in the aspect that it takes on all aspects of the phenomena.  The person with this Theme is rarely a practicing psychic, however, and seems to keep it internal, as most all Themes are dispositions of the mind which we must work through.  The entity with this Theme is able to sense, see, and hear things beyond all natural senses.  They labor to overcome it and try valiantly to block it.  This does not mean they must practice it professionally, but should let it flow and at least try to use it in their personal lives.  It seems to come to these entities that pick lives in very strict religious background that deny the gift, or even labor with the fear they are crazy and often seek medical help.  They also seem to get things easier on a negative note rather than a positive one, which does not do much as far as their feeling this is a blessed gift.  I myself do not have the Theme of Psychic, even though I am one.  But this proves the point that the Theme is always a difficult or negative thrust that we must over come or come to grips with rather than fighting it.  The only way to deal with this Theme, more than many of the other, is let God and let go, and it will develop and make the entity more spiritual, if not a practicing psychic.

The Theme of Rejection is an easy Theme to pick out, not only for the one who carries it, but the one viewing it.  The Theme of Rejection, more so than other Themes, starts manifesting very early in life.  Usually the entity picks a family in which they feel, from the time of their first memory, rejected or alienated.  They feel this again starting school and on and on throughout their life.  They are the ones, more than other, who will find spouses who leave them or play around on them.  They become so used to being rejected that they then form the pattern of being the very thing they do not want to happen—being rejected.  Those with the Theme of Rejection will also see this manifested within their offspring.  The child will adopt another mother or father figure, leaving the person with the Rejection Theme to feel even more deficient and alienated.  The rejection also works inward.  The feeling of self-worth dissipates very quickly; but like in all of the Themes, once the pattern is seen and recognized it comes to an end.  When the entity lets it flow and gives it up to God, then miraculously the Theme comes to completion by spiritually advancing the entity and the rejection stops.

One often finds the Rescuer working alongside the Cause Fighter, but when the Cause Fighter moves on to another cause, the Rescuer remains to care for the victim.  Even when the victims have obviously created their own problems, the Rescuer is determined to “save” them.  Often, in so doing, it is the Rescuer who is victimized.  An entity with a Rescuer Theme has a high degree of empathy and can manifest strength for those in need.  This Theme presents a tough road to travel, but the spiritual rewards are great indeed.  You can always be sure that the Rescuer will become physically involved with a situation.  For example, if someone fell into a deep hole, the Cause Fighter would find a rope and throw it down, then walk over to the TV cameras to give an interview.  The Rescuer would then grab the rope and climb down into the hole to help the victim. Rescuers are typically at their strongest in the presence of the weakest or most helpless. The rescuer can end up being victimized if they don’t maintain a safe emotional distance from those they’re trying to rescue.

When a person has the Theme of Responsibility, they take on the care of everyone around them.  They also make a concerted effort to be responsible for people that by society’s standards they are not responsible for.  Like all of the Themes, it is a disposition of the mind.  They are driven by the feeling to feed, clothe, and care for anyone who comes into their cycle of influence.  They do it with fervor and have guilt if they do not “chicken soup” everyone.  We all would like to feel we are responsible, but most of us take on our duties as a matter of course.  The entity who has chosen this Theme does not do it begrudgingly, but with a drive akin to the guilt they would feel if they should fail to be responsible.  They embrace it not as obligation, but as a form of emotional nourishment. They start out this way even as children.  Chores will be allotted in a family, for example, but if there should be an entity with the Theme of Responsibility, they will take over all the chores if they are left too long unfinished.  They also can be seen taking care of aging parents and even aunts and uncles if they have not one.  The Theme of Responsibility is a tough Theme, as all of the Themes are, but brutally hard on the individual who does not modify it.  It can be modified by reaffirming constantly and logically that they are responsible for only what is immediate and necessary and should not start gathering responsibility outside of their living and social scope of life. Their challenge is to become unselfish enough to remember that often the people around them need the nourishment of assuming responsibility, too, and want to share in the process of accomplishing something.

The Theme of Spirituality is a very centered Theme, but in many ways, to the individual carrying it, torturous.  It is also very confusing to watch a person with this Theme.  They, in their quest to find their spiritual center, can sometimes become fanatical.  All Themes can become fanatical, but not to the extreme of the Spiritual or Religious Theme.  They are not always people of the cloth, but they have the dynamics to become evangelistic.  They are constantly trying to reach a level of sainthood on this plane that is almost impossible to reach.  Their early life is spent being very disapproving of anything that may smack of wrong doing.  If they are raised in a strict religious environment, they then become even more strung-out.  If, however, like Shirley MacLaine, they reach it later in their lives, this spiritual knowledge, they handle it better.  It is hard to live with someone who, on the other hand, aspires to be a saint.  When this Theme has reached its full potential, it is far-sighted, magnanimous, and forgiving; but just blossoming, it is condemning and judgmental.  These entities would do well to live good lives, love others, and forget the rest.

The Theme of Survival seems to be almost too easy to try and describe when you just look at the word itself.  However, when you see how it applies to life, the meaning goes deep and hard.  Yes, of course, we all survive; but we just do it, where the person with this Theme is cognizant of it every minute.  Remember, the Theme is not only how we handle it, but our frame of mind or disposition of our mind in handling it.  The person with this Theme consciously knows they are a survivor and must survive everyday.  Even the smallest of accomplishments they view as having to survive through.  Life to them can be a daily chore of getting up and just making through—almost as if they have to think sometimes to even breathe.  This, of course, is extreme, but it depicts the way every Survivor feels and thinks.  They are also the most excellent in crisis situations, because they will and must make it through.  They do not necessarily have more obstacles than anyone else, but they view it as such.  They also speak constantly in terms of survival.  Geronimo, the famous Indian chief, war-like and sometimes brutal as he seemed to be, was a typical Survivor.  Doomed, hunted, and fierce to the end, he was a Survivor against what seemed unbelievable odds.  It is well for the person with this Theme to try and take life more “with a grain of salt,” as they say.  Not all of life needs to be that difficult. They should all be given, and take to heart, a bumper sticker reading, “Lighten Up!”

The Theme of Temperance is exactly what the term means, “to be tempered in all things,” or as the Greeks say, “moderation in all things.”  The person or entity with Temperance as a Theme usually has to fight addictions, whether it’s to a substance, sex, a lifestyle, or another person, rather than a Carrie Nation who chopped up bar rooms.  She was a Cause Fighter.  The person who is or has been an alcoholic or drug addict or even a bulimic person, is usually the one with Temperance as a Theme.  They are the ones who go to extremes over everything.  If they are not into physical addictions of a bad nature they can be addicted to certain modes of behavior (eg, health food fanatics or exercise fanatics).  The latter is far better, but fanaticism in anything is not a balance and shows the emotion has spun away from intellectual control.  Temperance, taken from the word temperament, also gives vent to being temperamental, so there usually are large swings of behavior that leaves everyone around the individual drained by their highs and lows that can happen daily or sometimes hourly.  Entities with this Theme should make a concerted effort to be moderate and controlled in all behavior and curb any extremes.  If addictions are prevalent, the entity should concentrate on the will to govern them. The key to the progress of the temperance theme across the board is moderation.

The Theme of Tolerance, like its sister, Patience, is relegated to the frame of mind, but is more intense on every level than Patience.  Entities who pick Tolerance as their Theme throughout their lives have really cut out a hard piece of rock in which to chisel their perfection.  They not only have to be tolerant with themselves, but everything—world affairs, friends, relatives, children, etc.  It borders on bigotry and prejudice also, so the person with this Theme has to make a concerted effort to not be opinionated or close-minded.  They can develop the narrow-minded syndrome.  I feel, after years of research, that it is not because those with the Theme of Tolerance consciously strive to be intolerant, it is just that this Theme can become so difficult that the entity perfecting it starts to narrow their views, only because it is so difficult to tolerate everything.  So they begin to confine their view, only to literally tolerate them.  The entity must realize this, exercise nonjudgment as much as possible, and try not to be critical of others, it relieves the burden of it and entity recognizing this can be more magnanimous in their views; rather than confining themselves to their own intolerant ideas.

The Theme of Victim is a very hard Theme, as all Themes, but the Victim manifests itself outward more than the other Themes.  It is not just manifested in being victimized physically but also mentally.  These are truly, in many instances, the sacrificial lambs in the scheme of things.  They can be the lost children, murdered victims, abused or molested children; and the list goes on.  These are easy to recognize, because they hit the media.  Their Theme is to bring about greater good for what seems to be a negative means.  In the end, though, more times than not, the world turns and focuses and tries to right itself form the injustices the Victim must survive.  There are also a large number of Victims who are not brutalized physically so much as mentally.  They are subjected to mental cruelty and indignities in a self-debasing way.  They often seem to go out of their way to be hurt.  This is also the case of the woman who marries many times, and each time her husband runs off with someone else.  This is the Chart that the Victim writes, but they can modify it by realizing they can still be an example through the suffering they endure but not keep repeating the same masochistic tendencies.

The Theme of Victimizer, like all the Themes, is a difficult one.  It almost forces the entity who carries this Theme to victimized everyone, even themselves.  They are the ones that can wreak havoc on many around them by not necessarily hurting people physically, but more so emotionally.  They will even admit that they hurt, impose their will, act with vengeance and malice, and cannot seem to help themselves.  Unlike the Theme of Tolerance that must curb the bigotry, the Victimizer goes out searching for things to victimize.  They possibly are threatened psychologically by the pain in the world and thereby, almost revel in it.  They are tyrannical in their rule and are great instigators of negativity.  They seem to have no pity or empathy, unlike most themes, because their whole focus is to conquer and use others as slaves or victims.  Unfortunately for us, many heads of states and even religious heads have had this as a Theme.  Take Jim Jones as a prime example.  His Guyana was a perfect host to his victimizing everyone, even himself.  In our philosophy, however, we need these Themes to perfect off of.  So, we cannot judge the person—only the acts involved.

The Theme of Warrior is a Theme that many young people are coming in with because of the turn the world is taking.  The person with a Warrior Theme, whether male or female, is almost fearless.  They are the total risk-takers, whether physically or mentally.  They live life on full tilt and with such verve, everyone else seems to pale in comparison.  Where it is a mental disposition, it manifests physically.  They not only take on the causes of the Cause Fighters but physically fight them.  They do not pick fights arbitrarily but will fight without much provocation.  They go into competitive sports with a “do or die” attitude.  They join such groups as the Green Berets or become FBI agents.  They can be found anywhere there is physical combat.  If they are not, then they live vicariously through those who are involved in any type of physical combat.  They can seemingly be ruthless and sometimes appear to be unfeeling; but with the ones I have known and researched, this is not the case.  Usually the entity with Warrior as a Theme has a modified secondary Theme, such as Humanitarian, which takes the edge off the Warrior Theme.  They also are ferociously into taking care of their bodies.  They will be health food fanatics, never smoke or drink to excess, but can body build with a vengeance.  We need these people, because on this plane of negative existence, without Warriors we would have tyrants.

The Theme of Wealth is inward like all Themes are.  They have an outward manifestation, but it is in how the entity views it.  This Theme, when held by an entity, surges toward wealth and money in abundance and all it can buy.  It is developed early in the lifetime and is characterized by needing and wanting wealth and luxury but in such abundance that the person has charted themselves to either come into a life filled with abundance or has all the aptitude to acquire it.  They also begin very early to provide hospitals and and homes or any facility they helps others become happier through the use of financial gain.  They build companies that continue this wealth.  Take Henry Ford, for example.  Somewhere along the line after he had made millions, he could have stopped, but instead he employed thousands of people in his automobile plants.  It does not necessitate just the aspect of giving it away but the fact that it will be used for humanitarian reasons.  The person with Wealth as a Theme has a precarious line to walk, as all Themes do; but with wealth comes power, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  So, in gaining wealth and straining toward it, it must also be used to barter out to those who do not have or will never have it, in order to make life better for a larger group of people.

The entity with the Theme of Winning, strangely enough, is not always a winner, but they strive for this with unfailing tenacity.  They can be the gamblers or just the people who enter every contest.  But over and above this, they are unlike the negative Themes; in fact, they are so positive, that it takes on an unrealistic view.  No matter what happens, they know the next deal, the next job, even the next spouse will be the best.  No sooner has something fallen through than they pick themselves up and go on to what they know to be a winning situation.  Without frequent reality checks, though, the winner can squander their money, their security and their lives with too many impetuous, undisciplined and uninformed decisions. They feel their children are winners also.  The family they grew up in was the best, whether it be genetic or otherwise.  They also are great as heads of countries, because they give a motherly or fatherly feeling that everything is all right.  Their personal lives are usually private, but their public lives are often without reproach, the reason being they are very much the middle of the road.  President Eisenhower carried this Theme, and regardless of our political view, objectively we can see that even during the war, as a General he had an unfailing optimism about winning; and even as President, whether strong or weak, he gave off a paternal, calming effect.  He never really gave a negative address or a stirring one, and is not often quoted because of this, but kept the country feeling secure and a winner.
