The Art of Being Yourself
Dr. Frank E. Richelieu (1992)

"We are never left without a witness of the Eternal, and in our greatest moments—in those flash-like visions of mystic grandeur—we know we are made of eternal stuff, fashioned after a Divine Pattern."   —  Ernest Holmes

CH7 – You Are Free to Choose
No Evil

There is no power except Divine Power, and the Divine Power, and the Divine which is Infinite Love cannot be the author of evil.  If we deal with Reality, there is no evil.  This idea is difficult to accept because people, with their dual thinking, have produced many effects that we call evil.

When we give power to anything except infinite First Cause, we are not centered in divine awareness .  To say that Infinite Love is all and then live in fear of evil is a contradiction.  To say that there is only one power and that is Divine Power and then to speak of the devil or some other force having control over us is giving power to that which has no power.

When we are in very difficult situations, it is not easy to believe that there is no evil.  This is because we are seeing double.  We are not dealing with Truth.

In reality there is no evil, but in the man-made world it looms huge, like a many-headed Hydra.  If we try to get rid of it by fighting it, two new heads grow where the old head was cut off, and we are worse off than we were before.

Attacking things that need changing will get us nowhere.  When we do so, we are giving them power.  We are saying, “Here is something evil, something wrong.  I must fight it.  I must eliminate it.”  So we fight it.  Maybe the problem goes underground, but it will pop up somewhere else.  It is not really eliminated at all.

You give power to evil in your consciousness.  It all stems from consciousness.  I am not denying that the appearance of what we call evil exists.  It is humanly made and humans give it power through the attention they invest in it.

Infinite Intelligence is not the author of evil.

As long as you recognize that no person, no group and no thing can work against you, you are anchored in the Infinite Power and are not giving authority to anything else.  As long, however as you believe evil to be a thing of itself, then it remains real to you.

All the evil which exists is the evil of humankind, not evil of divine origin.  We must turn away from the duality of believing in two powers and anchor to the one unifying Power.  We must move into the consciousness of Reality.  Good is the only reality.  This is taking quite a leap, because the world speaks otherwise and even your own senses suggest that evil is real.  This step is easier if you realize that a negative experience is something that is happening only as an experience, but is not ultimate reality.

Each of us, in our own way, opens the door through which evil, of our own creation, comes into our life.  Every time we become fearful, we are believing in duality.  Every fear has its basis in dual thinking.

I will get back in principle.  I know there is only one power.  There is only oneness.  I refuse to see duality.

Every fear we experience is a move from unity to duality.  When filled with fear say to yourself, “There must be a basis for this fear and that basis must be that I am off-center.  I am recognizing good and bad, when in reality there is only the Good.  I will get back into the consciousness of oneness.”

We protest that we believe in only one Power and then we see health and sickness, abundance and want, good and evil, happiness and unhappiness, light and darkness.  As long as we are seeing double, then we will experience double in our lives.  As long as we are seeing the pairs of opposites, we are not truly anchored in unity and oneness.

Divine Mind is not good or bad.  Infinite Intelligence is perfect and exists in this perfection.