Journey of the Soul – Reviews

The Journey of the Soul series is astonishing. This is truth wrapped up in love. The truth we've all known and forgotten and the love we've all known and forgotten that we are. The reading is easy, the writing plain spoken, gentle and clear. The messages from Sylvia, Francine, and Raheim are vibrant with the reality of life lived in acceptance and understanding. Mother God as the loving warrior custodian of earth ... Azna ... and Mother Nature ... not to trifle with her protectorate ... including our own true selves ...

Father God as Om, original essence, Spirit, so oriented to essence and spirit that he has a hard time appearing in form for long ... on Om's behalf we experience ... with Azna's help we keep the promises we've forgotten that we made before we came ...With Sylvia's help we remember how to encourage ourselves and others and to be at ease in the natural order, not dominant, not judging, not forsaking our own gifts.

Reading these books ... well, it's a bit like sharing a hot tub with God and Goddess ... almost a trip back Home ... a window into the loving structure of the universe that will not be a surprise to readers of Sylvia's other books. But there's more.

In these books she provides exercises and meditations we can use to help ourselves remain connected to the loving best we truly are and daily want to be.

Five stars to this gracious lady author teacher pastor and thank you to her for sharing these gifts.

Sylvia Hawley

These books go deep...REAL DEEP...

I am gnostic, like Sylvia, but I must tell you that there are sections of these books where you might stop and go 'woah, I don't think so!' So just read with an open mind, an open heart, and remember that Sylvia does not expect everyone to accept what she has to say. TAKE WHAT YOU WANT FROM THIS AND LEAVE THE REST BEHIND.

We learn about why we are here, what our purpose in life is, what heaven is all about, God, our soul, and much more.

I clearly remember planning out my life here while I was on the Other Side - I really do. I remember some of my past lives. This series has helped me to accept the life I am living, and it has given me peace of mind, and patience. I have learned to accept people for who they are, rather than dwell on their faults.

Also, learn that there is more to heaven that peace and beauty. Sylvia explains everything that goes on over their; ways of life, jobs we do, celebrations, everything! It's all very fascinating.


The simplicity with which Sylvia's books are presented is refreshing. No convoluted dogma, or theories to wade through. You cannot mistake what she is saying or misunderstand her views. You are not asked to Believe Her Truth but to seek for your own.

Guilt and the fear that accompanies many of the theologies that we have been taught melt away or are healed by the beautiful way she teaches that LOVE and TRUTH and our SALVATION are our business.

She also completes the picture of God as a whole by putting the feminine, MOTHER GOD back in the equation. Since we are not asked to agree or believe everything she says I can recommend her Soul Series, highly.
