Metaphysics of Quality (MOQ) - “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”

“Scientific materialism holds that what is composed of matter or energy and is measurable by scientific instruments is real. Quality (“Excellence”, “Worth”, “Goodness”) is not a physical property and is not measurable, thus, according to science, Quality is unreal. The whole purpose of the scientific method is to make valid distinctions between the false and the true in nature.  When one says “Quality” is subjective, science regards it as imaginary and is disregarded in any serious consideration of reality” (eg, Logical Positivism, Phenomenalism).

“The metaphysical definition of Quality: “Quality is a characteristic of thought and statement that is recognized by a non-thinking process. Because definitions are a product of rigid, formal thinking, quality cannot be defined”. But even though Quality cannot be defined, you know what Quality is. But that’s self-contradictory.”

“Phaedrus singled out aspects of Quality such as unity, vividness, authority, economy, sensitivity, clarity, emphasis, flow, suspense, brilliance, precision, proportion, depth and so on; kept each of these as poorly defined as Quality itself. The students would ask, “How do I do this?” (quality). He could have replied, ‘It doesn’t make a difference how you do it! Just so it’s good’.”

“The Quality concept was beautiful. It was that mysterious, individual, internal goal of each creative person. There’s an entire branch of philosophy concerned with the definition of Quality, known as esthetics.  Its question, “What is meant by the beautiful?”, goes back to antiquity.”

“By refusing to define Quality Phaedrus had placed it entirely outside the analytic process. If you can’t define Quality, there’s no way you can subordinate it to any intellectual rule.”

“The Quality Phaedrus was talking about wasn’t classic quality (square; overall understanding) or romantic quality (hip; visual). It was beyond them. And it wasn’t subjective or objective either, it was beyond those categories. Quality is not objective; it doesn’t reside in the material world. Nor is it subjective; it doesn’t exist merely in the [human] mind.  Phaedrus later began to realize that Quality is beyond a metaphysical trinity of mind, matter and Quality – Quality itself is absolute monism (eg, Spirit or ‘Big Mind’). Quality was the source and substance of everything.”

Hegel had talked like this, with his Absolute Mind. Absolute Mind was independent too, both of objectivity and subjectivity. Hegel said the Absolute Mind was the source of everything, but then excluded romantic experience from the “everything” it was a source of. Hegel’s Absolute was completely classical, completely rational and completely orderly.”

“Quality was not like that Phaedrus remembered Hegel had been regarded as a bridge between Western and Oriental philosophy. His quality was a metaphysical entity, not a mystic one. Or was it? What was the difference? Metaphysical entities are defined. Mystical Ones are not. That made Quality mystical. No. It was really both. Quality’s indefinability freed it from the rules of metaphysics.”

“Integration of Robert Pirsing & Ken Wilber” (Gary M. Jaron).
Pirsig’s diagram looks more like this:
 1) Quality − Objective Reality.
 2) Matter − Planet Earth; trees & people.
 3) A human mind − Subjective Reality.
 4) Romantic Quality − Pre-intellectual awareness.
 5) Classic Quality − Intellectual distinguishing identifiable things.

“Quality exists before words, before intellect. We are made of matter and perceive things made of matter (trees). We silently, non-verbally are aware of, experience objects made of matter and then we come to understand those objects and give them labels, words. This labeling is Classic Quality which we make in our intellect--our mind. Classic Quality is a product of a human mind.  Romantic Quality is the silent appreciation and experience of matter by a human being with a mind.”

Teachings from the Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu)
“The Tao to be told is not the eternal Tao...When named it is the mother of all thing.”

The human word ‘Tao’ and the human word ‘Quality” are exact equivalents. Tao is before human
words and maps. Humans are map makers and word users.
Western Culture Map = Classical Quality Culture | Eastern Culture Map = Romantic Quality Culture.

Tao/Quality is the ultimate Holon – all Holon’s exist not in absolute isolation, but in a Holarchy.
God is not a person. God can’t even fit into the word “God” because words are tangible, and God isn’t.

Romantic quality and classic quality together may be called the “mystic”.  We derive pride from quality not ego. Dualistic view is to blame. Return to individual integrity, self-reliance, gumption (Greeks were teaching quality before reason).
