Jeanne DuPrau

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Jeanne Duprau is a writer of science fiction and fantasy and children's books. She spends several hours of every day at her computer, thinking up sentences. She has this quote taped to her wall:  "A writer is someone for whom writing is harder than it is for other people" (Thomas Mann).

This gives her courage, because she finds writing very hard. So many words to choose from!  So many different things that could happen in a story at any moment!  Writing is one tough decision after another.
But it's also the most satisfying thing she knows how to do. So she keeps doing it. So far, she has written four novels, six books of non-fiction, and quite a few essays and stories.   Jeanne's book, City of Ember, was made into a movie (2008) which stars Tim Robbins, Bill Murray and Martin Landau.

Ms. DuPrau doesn't write every minute of every day.  She also putters around in her California garden, where it's easy to grow everything from apples to zinnias.

Jeanne doesn't have children, but has two nephews, a niece, and a dog named 'Ethan'. Jeanne and Ethan get along well, though their interests are different. Ethan is not very fond of reading, for example, and Jeanne doesn't much like chasing squirrels. But they agree on walks, naps, and trips in the car to surprise destinations. Ethan also likes to help in the garden.
